Widespread Species

Regionally abundant and threatening or have already negatively impacted our native flora & fauna.

Note the species listed below with an asterisk (*) are still commonly sold in local nurseries and garden centers

Invasive Trees, Shrubs and Vines

Common Name

Norway Maple*

Tree of Heaven*

Japanese Barberry*

Oriental Bittersweet*

Autumn Olive*

Japanese Honeysuckle

Amur Honeysuckle

Morrow’s Honeysuckle

White Mulberry

Multiflora Rose

Botanical Name

Acer Platanoides

Ailanthus Altissima

Berberis Thunbergil

Celatrus Orbiculatus

Elaegnus Umbellate

Lonicera Japonica

Lonicera Maackii

Lonicera Morrowii

Morus Alba

Rosa Multiflora

Mid-Atlantic Native Alternative

Red or Sugar Maples

Native Canopy Trees

Dwarf Fothergilla

American Bittersweet

Blackhaw Viburnum or Bayberry

Trumpet Honeysuckle Vine

Red or Black Chokeberries

Red Mulberry

Virginia or Carolina Rose

Invasive Herbaceous Perennials

Common Name

Common Yarrow

Field Garlic

Common Burdock

Common Mugwort

Crown Vetch*

Queen Anne’s-lace*

Smooth Crabgrass

Canada Thistle

Japanese Knotweed


Orange Day-lily*


Ox-eye Daisy*

Purple Loosestrife*

Japanese Stilt Grass

Common Reed

Lesser Celandine


Botanical Name

Achillea Millefolium

Allium Vineale

Arctium Minus

Artemisia Vulgaris

Coronilla Varia

Daucus Carota

Digitaria Ischaemum

Cirsium Arvense

Fallopia Japonica

Glechoma Hederacea

Hemerocallis. Fulva

Hesperis Matronalis

Leucanthemum. Vulgare

Lythrum Salicaria

Microstegium Vimineum

Phragmites Australis

Ranunculus Ficaria

Rubus Phoenicolasius

Mid-Atlantic Native Alternative

Golden Ragwort

Nodding Onion

Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle

Golden Alexander

Wild Ginger or Creeping Phlox

Turk’s-cap or Canada Lily

Summer Phlox

Robin’s Plantain

Blazing Star or Obedient Plant

PA Sedge

Switch Grass

Yellow Trout Lilly

Purple Flowering Raspberry


Common Name

Garlic Mustard

Botanical Name

Alliria Petiolata

Mid-Atlantic Native Alternative

Foam Flower