Species Watch List
Species which have caused habitat degradation in other regions of the US & have a high potential to become invasive here in our community
Note the species listed below with an asterisk (*) are still commonly sold in local nurseries and garden centers.
Invasive Trees, Shrubs and Woody Vines
Common Name
Tatarian Maple*
Kousa Dogwood*
Golden Raintree*
Crabapple species*
Amur Cork-tree*
Oriental Photinia*
Sawtooth Oak*
Japanese spirea*
Chinese & Siberian Elms*
Linden Viburnum*
Siebold Viburnum*
Botanical Name
Acer tataricum
Cornus kousa
Koelreuteria elegans
Malus species
Phellodendron amurense
Photinia villosa
Quercus acutissima
Spiraea japonica
Ulmus parvifolia & pumila
Viburnum dilatatum
Viburnum lantana
Viburnum sieboldii
Mid-Atlantic Native Alternative
Pagoda Dogwood
Native Shade Trees
Blackhaw Viburnum
Chestnut Oak
Hardhack Spirea
'Valley Forge' Elm
Cranberry Viburnum
Arrowwood Viburnum
Cranberry Viburnum
Invasive Herbaceous Perennials
Common Name
Giant Hogweed
Botanical Name
Heracleum mantegazzianum
Mid-Atlantic Native Alternative