Invasive Plants

The species listed under Widespread Species, Localized Species, and Species Watchlist are aggressive, opportunistic, non-native vegetation that I have observed in southeastern Pennsylvania and central New Jersey throughout the past two decades. These plants’ presence growing on your property severely reduces the long-term natural functions and biodiversity of our region. Many of the species below are popular landscape and nursery plants and all will eventually degrade the ecological integrity of your site and the endemic flora and fauna communities. Please do not plant them and help to educate your neighbors and other community members about the significant threat invasive vegetation has on our native plant and wildlife systems. Note the species listed on the following pages with an asterisk (*) after the common name are still commonly sold in local nurseries and garden centers.

The lists on the following pages are not a comprehensive study of the non-native, invasive plants found in our region of southeastern Pennsylvania.  These lists are provided, however, as a first step to determining what plants may potentially exist in your area and how significant an issue they may pose for your local habitats and native plant communities.  Weatherwood Design LLC can be hired on a consultation basis to help you determine what courses of actions can be applied to your situation or property.  We also offer targeted invasive plant control and removal services for all of our clients.